SATURDAY, October 3rd, 1998, AT 1:30 PM
By Steve Fossum, IKF World President,
Since posting our IKF RINGSIDE Magazine plan on our website a day or so ago, we have received a lot of inquiries about what exactly will we cover in the issues. From these inquiries, the IKF has been doing some thinking. As always, the IKF has looked to the future of the sport as a whole. The big picture of what will make the sport better for all those involved, no matter what sanctioning organization, rules or fight gyms. The IKF simply wants to help make the sport grow to it's fullest potential! In doing this thinking, I personally would like to point in the direction of someone who was, and still is a big part of the success of the IKF worldwide, Mr Russell Shawney. Mr Shawney is the founder and organizer of the KICKBOXING RING REPORT magazine. Russ started his magazine long ago which included info from everyone willing to contribute on worldwide kickboxing news. Not just one group, one organization but news on EVERYONE. The KICKBOXING RING REPORT was the first of it's kind EVER that offered news on everyone and anyone in kickboxing. He has never once asked anyone for a dime to put it together other than subscription money. He kept producing the great magazine with his own money. No ad money, no sponsorship etc. With very little help other than those of us who offered him articles, news, event info etc. he single handedly produced the magazine himself.
He later went on to build a great website filled with more kickboxing news. On this site, Mr Shawney helped to make the IKF website noticed worldwide with links to our site and IKF news on his web pages. Within 6 months of forming our website, the IKF was number 1 in all of North America jumping past everyone else in number of events, fighter organization and other needs of kickboxing. Now, through the support of Russ and the entire IKF WORLD TEAM and other web sites with our link on them, the IKF is one of the top 3 Kickboxing Sanctioning organizations in the world and confident to be #1 within 7-10 months. While other organizations thought they were doing Russ a favor giving him news, we here at the IKF were thanking him for including IKF News on his pages. Russ is currently updating his site but it will be back soon. Check it out by clicking Here!
The IKF does want to do a magazine, but in thinking, we here at the IKF want to think again about the BIG PICTURE of the sport. The UNITY we speak about for everyone on our opening web page. It is our belief that if we ALL can support someone like Russ in his efforts to produce a GREAT Magazine like his KICKBOXING RING REPORT Magazine which represents EVERYONE in Kickboxing that kickboxing would become greater for everyone worldwide. Russ' website will once again be a great site for daily or weekly news. But a written press publication we can read has its great benefits as well. As we all know, not everyone is on the internet. Here at the IKF, we feel if the IKF and other organizations (ISKA, WKA, WMTC, K-1, DRAKA etc.) pitched in financially to support Russ' magazine, Russ could spend more quality time on the effort. In case you don't know, it takes A LOT of time to put just "1" issue together. A LOT OF TIME! In addition, if other companies that are associated with our sport such as Ringside, Fairtex, Muay Thai World, Budweiser, Pepsi and MANY others could advertise in the issues, Russ could finally see a profit for himself and could spend more time on the Magazine. He DESERVES to PROFIT from his work since he is helping EVERYONE! Come on EVERYONE! Admit that this would be great for OUR sport! Lets all pitch in to bring the BEST Kickboxing Publication where it should be. On every news stand in the world so Kickboxing and YOU will get Worldwide exposure as deserved.
Russ doesn't know of my writing of this piece so don't think it was his idea. I just know it is his dream to help the sport he loves. He supports us all and those of you who have seen the magazine and his web site know it. Lets pull together here to help the sport grow. Offer your support to someone who has helped US ALL, ASKING NOTHING IN RETURN. You can count the IKF in. Who's next?
Please offer Mr. Shawney your support, so he can help us ALL. Contact him by e-mail by clicking HERE or by clicking HERE. His Fax number is: (650) 757-6226. For magazine Subscriptions write to: Kickboxing Ring Report Attn: SUBSCRIPTIONS 236 West Portal Avenue, No. 277, San Francisco, California 94127-1423, USA
The IKF will be part of an Exclusive Kickboxing Publication very SOON. Hopefully, it will be with Mr. Shawney and his KICKBOXING RING REPORT. However, if others can't or don't want to be a part of it than once again, the IKF will step out alone to Make It Happen! It sure would be great though if EVERYONE joined in.
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