MONDAY, January 24th, 1999, 2:30 PM
Support of NHB/MMA
Style Fighting
By Steve Fossum
I would like to clear something up that I was only recently made aware of. Apparently, an individual named Paul Smith (NHB Promoter Jackson, CA, USA) has been spreading a rumor that I would like to STOP! I've heard now from 4 different people that Mr. Smith has been saying that I and the IKF (International Kickboxing Federation) have been trying to put a stop to NHB events in California. This rumor couldn't be FARTHER FROM THE TRUTH!
Where Mr. Smith has come up with this idea I don't know but I will explain as much about my workings with NHB in CA as I can. In addition, to Mr. Smith himself, when I met you at the CA Commission Meeting for the first time last year, even you and EVERYONE in the meeting heard "FROM ME DIRECTLY" that I "SUPPORTED" NHB and people such as yourself who want to promote NHB in California. I "STRESSED" in that meeting that the Commission SHOULD appoint people such as yourself to oversee the rules, regulations and safety of the fighters rather than "APPOINT" someone from within the commission to be a NHB referee that knows NOTHING of the sport.
In addition, the "ONLY" way you could question anything even close to your rumor is that I have, as requested by Mr. Rob Lynch of the CA State Commission, "CALLED TO WARN" various NHB promoters around the state of California that the Commission has announced that they were going to close their events down and "ARREST" all involved. Since I have many friends who go to these events, I didn't want to see them face this, so I called to inform those I knew, of Mr. Lynch's warning. Mr. Lynch asked me himself if I would put the word out that the state was doing this because he thought it would be better if someone such as myself at least warn these promoters. So I did...In the past.
HOWEVER, If "ANYONE" took those warnings to mean that I or the IKF does not support NHB, they are "VERY WRONG!!!" If Mr. Lynch or ANYONE has told ANYONE anything different, I'd like to set us "ALL" in a room and ask the question again. It seems that "SOMEONE" has decided to point a finger at me so they will shine to the rest of you during this whole decision making process with the CA State Athletic Commission. Sorry but I've NEVER been like that and NEVER WILL! If I have a problem, I have NO PROBLEM SAYING IT DIRECTLY TO THAT PERSON!!! Which brings me to the other part of this accusation...
Mr. Smith, I address this next comment DIRECTLY TO YOU SIR! Your comments about "Sending me home in a box" that you made at one of your events last year in Jackson, CA last year??? Well Paul, I was "JUST" recently informed of this and if you have a problem with me, I TRULY SUGGEST that you know the WHOLE STORY before you make a comment like that one. It's CLEAR to me that you have been MISINFORMED! IN ADDITION, It appears that you had this feeling about me at the very same California State Athletic Commission Meeting (As mentioned above) I attend with you in Sacramento last year. I say this since the comment was made at one of your events, directly after the meeting, that you invited us all to. Unfortunately I was out of town on IKF business or I would have been there "TO SUPPORT" your event.
Knowing this, if you had a problem with me then,
WHY didn't you say this to me DIRECTLY in person???
If not then, you could have confronted me about it over the phone at least. If I have an issue with someone, I try to contact THEM DIRECTLY rather than just talk about it. I've tried to reach you but have had no return call. To say such a thing with NO JUSTIFIED FACTS behind it is TOTALLY UNCALLED FOR! Heck Paul, you don't even know anything about me which makes such a comment even more ridiculous...!
Finally, now both you and those you spread this rumor with have the FACTS about this "STUPID" rumor. Knowing what the TRUTH IS NOW, I would hope that an apology would be following. However, I will leave this choice up to you. I'm confident our paths will cross again somewhere and I hope if not now, maybe at that time we can discuss this issue in person. You can reach me through our website at
The problem here Paul is that you have always had me in your corner, no matter what you have been told. Next time, CALL ME and CONFRONT ME DIRECTLY if you think I'm trying to damage anything you or ANYONE DOES in regards to NHB or ANYTHING for that matter.
To everyone else in the NHB community, sorry about the negative tone of this post. However, if we're "EVER" going to get NHB accepted in California, we all have to work together on this. My work with the CA Commission has "ONLY" been to get NHB accepted, NOT RESTRICTED! And if the Commission has made ANY OF YOU believe differently, I would appreciate you fill me in on WHO said such a thing. I assure you I will confront them as well on this.
If this is what it appears, It sounds like the Commission wants all NHB people to believe they're helping NHB promoters/fighters in CA, yet at the same time, they want to point a finger at someone to say, "See, this guy says we shouldn't do it..."
Well sorry guys, I won't allow that finger to be pointed at me. I'm "IN" the NHB corner, for ANY STATE, ANYWHERE and so is the IKF. A reason we started the ISCF. (International Sport Combat Federation) For more about the ISCF, go to
Thank you.
Sincerely, Steve Fossum, IKF Kickboxing, (916) 663-2467
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