MONDAY, June 18th, 2007, AT 1:00 PM, PT When you take a close look, All this
bickering has one common tie... | ||
Let it Go Mike..... Just Let it Go. Sadly to say, Mike Anderson just can't let things go. We have already documented some of the disturbances he has caused in the Kickboxing World here on the IKF pages, but truth be known the actual damage he has caused is about 20 times greater that what we have brought to anyone's attention. His participation in last years attempted sabotage of the IKF World Classic Tournament and the disruption of several IKF Promoters was never made public, but it seems we will need to eventually bring this to the publics attention soon too. His jealousy over the IKF has long surpassed anything he has ever done for the sport. Over the last few days we were informed that Anderson just can't let this issue between him and the IKF go. His desire to destroy the IKF at ANY cost continues daily from his Florida home. With little to do, one thing he has done is find plenty of time to keep attacking the IKF. Like he did last year, this past weekend, he called more people asking them not to come to the IKF World Classic Amateur Championship Tournament in Orlando, Florida. He even went as far as calling this years Special Guest and former IKF World Champion Don "The Dragon" Wilson, and in not so many words, tried to get him not to attend the event. In addition, he also called one of the IKF's new sponsor partners, Steve Sheppard of Ringstar and tried to get him to hate the IKF along with him. These were just two of the many others he has made calls to to try and discredit the good work of the IKF. We here at the IKF keep thinking this "Feud" as Anderson himself keeps calling it, is over. However, when we think this, we end up reading yet more Babbling BS from him as he continue to piss into the kickboxing sand box so others can see he has a spot in the sport. After his actions, he leaves his mess for everyone else to clean up. If Anderson really did care about the sport, he would stop all his childish "Pissing" action and try making an effort to Unify the sport rather than destroy it through the IKF. "Seriously Mike, we are exhausted at your childish games, so please just find another sand box to play in if all you can do is piss in this one because by now, even if you hold it, no one want's to share it with you. You have clearly outplayed your welcome to everyone." 6-13-07 FRIDAY, June 1st, 2007, AT 6:50 PM, PT IKF Once Again Forced To Put Up A Defense! Answers That was the title of an e-mail sent out to several today from Ronnie Copeland (Right) & Company in a last ditch effort to stay credible in their word. However, as usual and like last year, and the year before that, and the year before that, once again they fell far short of their pronounced record they promised many they would have no problem breaking. As the days tick by, time is running out for them to reach their "PROMISED" goal to the Kickboxers of America to be the Largest Amateur Kickboxing Tournament in North America. Well known for being a rumor starter instead of a former kickboxer, Ronnie Copeland sent out another e-mail today that has forced us here at the IKF to once again, "Defend" ourselves with a response. In the e-mail, Copeland again tries to explain some of the many false accusations made about Wako, Kick and the IKF that the IKF has already responded to and called him on. Although we are pretty sure that, as usual, the e-mail was probably written by his associate Mike Anderson (Below Right) Copeland was once again the sender. Today's e-mail targeted the IKF in hopes to disprove some of the simple facts we have been "Defending" ourselves from over the past few months related to the many "Claims" they have been making of being the "All knowing, all authority and of course God of kickboxing worldwide." Before we bring some light to their current e-mail we would like to bring your attention to one simple question that everyone here needs to ask yourselves when it comes to questioning truth and credibility so that you can have a greater perspective of these claims, "What has Ronnie Copeland, Mike
Anderson, the KICK Organization and the WAKO Organization A simple answer... Mr. Copeland's recent e-mail says that his answers are from the "WAKO/KICK Nationals". However, Copeland has said over and over that he is not the promoter of this event, so he should not be addressed as someone related to it. Hmmmm. Strange then how the Wako main website lists Ronnie Copeland as the sole "Promoter" of this event. But hey, we won't just say this, check it out for yourself at this web page by clicking HERE where it says, and we will quote; Mr. Ronnie Copeland (KICK National Director) in cooperation with WAKO USA, is the promoter of a unique event which is going to be the biggest ever in the USA and that will qualify the national team participating in the next WAKO World Championships scheduled in Coimbra (Portugal) from November 26 to December 2. Hey wait a minute... Hasn't Copeland been telling everyone "HE" was the Wako Director? Hmmmm. And didn't he say he was NOT the Promoter? Hmmmmm. And did we read it right, that their event will be the "Biggest ever in the USA?" WOW! The "Claims" never end do they. Regardless of size though, anyone can agree that sure numbers alone do not make an event. For example, last years Wako "World' Tournament in Virginia had nearly 200 fighters. The numbers sound impressive, however 100 were from Virginia and the Promoters gyms. None attended from outside the USA and the big question still remains, "how many of those 200 actually fought?" Still, this was hardly a "USA representation" let alone what they were calling a "World" tournament. What can be said is that a lot of work was put in by 2 of the 3 promoters (Craig Smith & Clark Walters) to make it as big as it was. Sadly, neither got any credit from Wako for their work while instead many thought both Mike Anderson and Copeland took it all. This years Wako tournament is no exception in regards to the numbers game and will probably end up the same, with Copeland and Anderson taking all the credit for all of Rob Zbilski's Team hard work. Of the current 143 registered fighters as of today, around 76 are from the venue state of Illinois. The remaining "Registered" fighters are from 10 other states. 20 from Texas, 12 from Missouri, 9 from Minnesota, 9 from Virginia, 7 from Wisconsin, 6 from Copeland's gym in North Carolina and 1 from South Carolina, Georgia, Maryland and Ohio. Odd that NONE are coming from Mike Anderson's home state of Florida, where he keeps telling everyone. "If you do a Wako event, I will get TONS of fighters to attend from Florida because everybody knows me down here." And keep in mind, this wako/kick event is located in a major airport hub city, Chicago! Last years IKF World Classic Tournament was hosted in a hard to get to and expensive to fly to city, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. However, last years IKF Tournament was represented by 21 USA States. The year before in Orlando Florida, 29 USA States attended. This of course is not counting Canada, Mexico and other countries outside of North America that attended last years Tournament that Registered 217 fighters. The Largest Amateur Kickboxing Tournament in North America was the 2005 IKF North American Classic in Orlando, Florida on August 19th, 20th & 21st. That event had 239 fighters that actually FOUGHT. If you want to count the one "Walkover Champion" who's opponent did not show up, that would make 240. If you want to count "Registered Fighters" that number is 270. This event featured 166 bouts over a two day period. But again, don't take our "Claims" as fact as these other guys want you to do, just count them up yourself by going to the past tournament facts and records page by clicking HERE! Now that we have laid down some simple number facts, lets take a look at the claims Wako, Kick and Ronnie Copeland has made in his last (Mike Anderson written probably) e-mail blast he sent out to many of you today. The "Babbleing BS Triplets" have now said, "Unfortunately, serious kickboxers in the USA have been inundated with false and misleading information and rumors. This has left many kickboxers and their coaches confused. Hopefully, the following information will clear things up for those who are serious about the kickboxing sport. If there is any doubt to the accuracy and truth of the information below, gym owners, coaches and fighters are urged to research whether these answers are 100% accurate, or not. If you believe the many lies and false rumors that are being circulated by self-serving individuals and privately owned organizations whose only goal is to profit from the exploitation of the sport, you are doing your constituents an injustice and, someday soon, you will have to answer to them." OK, we have to laugh here a bit. Hey Ronnie and Mike, rather than keep saying "self-serving individuals and privately owned organizations" why not have the guts to just say, "Steve Fossum." You know, the guy who spends between $30 and $40,000 each year on the IKF Tournament but yet only takes in about $20-$25,000 and loses on the average $10-$15,000 each year. Gee, he must be a TERRIBLE promoter you say. Why give out $20,000 in awards? Why give out 60+ Title belts a year? Why pay for all the event Officials shirts? Why put the event in such a large, beautiful venue? He could do the event for so much less and make more money! Ya, and he's that guy who, according to Anderson and Copeland, has, on his own, "Milked the sport of kickboxing dry!" Why he must be living in wealth and riches! Ya, that must be Steve Fossum. Heck, good thing he doesn't get millions (Yes, we said millions) of government money from European countries to promote the IKF event like Wako does or he would be a ga-zillionaire... Millions? No, really now... Is that true? Well fight fans, ask Mike Anderson yourself. He loves to brag about this fact often, as well as tell you the stories about the Wako President that make you say "And after all that, he's still President?" The "Babbleing BS Triplets" have asked the question, "What is the G.A.I.S.F.?" They went on to tell you exactly what it is, but not necessarily in fact. Of course, they had to add a little "Twang" in there for their own hype. "The General Association of International Sport Federations (GAISF) is an international organi- zation that gives recognition and sanction to bone fide sports worldwide." LOL.. So gee, this must mean those IKF letters are worthless. Those IKF Champions, worthless. IKF Officials, trainers, promoters, worthless. None of us must be, as the "Babbleing BS Triplets" put it, "bone fide". Darn, all that hard work for nothing...But this is not just the IKF, this would mean ALL Kickboxing Sanctioning Organizations, ISKA, WKA, USKBA, WBCMT, WKN, WFK and on and on. The real question here is; "How necessary is it for IKF or
ANY other Kickboxing organization If it were so important, why didn't the IKF try to be recognized by them? Well, the truth here is the IKF NEVER even attempted to be recognized by them because frankly, in the factual reality of things, such recognition from a KICKBOXING perspective means nothing! Yes, GAISF is associated with the "WORLD GAMES" However, this is NOT the Olympics. In fact, it's FAR from the Olympics. Wako and Kick want you to believe that if "You don't join up with them now, you will be left in the dark in the future because they will soon be the ONLY Sanctioning bodies in the world for kickboxing!" LOL... Wow, what a stretch. To even entertain the thought that kickboxing will be an Olympic sport in the next 20 years is even a much farther stretch according to thew USOC (United States Olympic Committee) and IOC (International Olympic Committee) who are actually seeking to drop a ton of Olympic sports because there are too many. In fact, some may find it a surprise as to what the Wako President himself, Ennio Falsoni, stated in an e-mail sent to Mrs. Dominguez of GAISF on a Tuesday, April 18, 2006 after the Wako appointment which contradicts what Copeland and Anderson keep claiming. His e-mail read; "I can only say that we (both WAKO and IAKSA) NEVER talked about "Olympics" regarding KICKBOXING, and we have NEVER made such a statement or given false information about that." He went on to say, "I also remember pretty well that I declared openly, during my speech at your General Assembly in Seoul, that WAKO KICKBOXING has no intention to go Olympics.' Well, there you have it, from "THE" Wako President himself, Ennio Falsoni. We have a copy of this e-mail here if anyone wishes to see it. Copeland's latest e-mail explained that it takes many years, usually decades, for a sport to be accepted by the GAISF as a bone fide, internationally recognized sport. Partly true. It took Wako YEARS because GAISF has no real interest in "Kickboxing". They do for the Martial arts though, but not "Kickboxing". Why? Because they believe Kickboxing will never be an Olympic sport. Still, there is an even more important issue to think about and should be asked of all of you in the sport of Kickboxing; "WHY do any of you feel we need to have Kickboxing as an Olympic Sport?" Copeland asks in his e-mail, "Is the sport of kickboxing recognized by the GAISF as a real, international sport?" From this he answered "Yes". However, lets look at the REAL FACTS here. The answers hers are more related to something else, and NOT those of us in the sport. Instead, the real answer to all of these Olympic desires is MONEY! Olympic sport funding is in the "BILLIONS" of dollars. Yes, BILLINS! Corporate sponsorship deals are BIG MONEY, but NOT to the fighters, trainers or officials. Those billions of dollars go directly to the ORGANIZATIONS THAT SANCTION THE SPORTS! Why do you think USA Boxing or USA Tae Kwon Do are always having POWER BATTLES? Who's in charge, who's the king, who's the boss. Olympic Tae Kwon Do in the USA became so corrupt that the initial sanctioning organization that was awarded the USA Sanctioning rights was booted out because they could not account for MILLIONS of dollars! So WHY does Wako and of course, the guys at Kick want to be related to the Olympic name? MONEY! Again, we ask you to ask yourself again, "What has Ronnie Copeland, Mike
Anderson, the KICK Organization and the WAKO Organization NON PROFIT? Mike Anderson LOVES to scream about how Steve Fossum is the sole owner and in his belief, the evil dictator of the IKF. Dictator? LOL... Yes, Mr. Fossum owns the IKF... He also pays all the bills on his own, without ANY Government funding, unlike Wako. At least he can show what he has done for the IKF, it's associates and the sport of kickboxing over the last 15 years. Something Mike can't seem to do. Oh sure, you will hear the story over and over again about how "He is the father and INVENTOR of kickboxing around the world." Ok, so let's just allow him that title for kicks and giggles... But if so, WHERE did "HE" take the sport? What did he do to improve it? He's quick to tell you all that both Wako and Kick are "Non Profit" organizations. So what does this mean? Has this made them a BETTER Sanctioning body for kickboxing? No! In fact, the real question still remains for all of these Babbleing BS Triplets, "What have they done for the Sport of Kickboxing?" It's easy to see Kick's history. Over the last 10 years they have accomplished NOTHING for the sport. Their President Frank Babcock (Right) and his counterpart Ted Welch have made a strong practice of "Elaborating" to many about how KICK is going to be the ONLY Kickboxing Sanctioning body in the USA soon and everyone else will have to close down. Not to forget their raves in 2003 which of course, turned out to be more lies that were;
Remember when Ted Welch of Kick told many of you that their first big Kick tournament in Las Vegas was going to have over 400 participants? Even Mike Anderson wrote in his eventually failed magazine that it was going to be the "Largest Kickboxing Tournament EVER in the USA!" If you remember, less than 70 fighters attended the tournament which was spread out for a week costing participants loads of extra expenses for their hotel rooms and all. If the term "NON PROFIT" were such a TRUE term, why are some of the wealthiest companies in the World, "Non Profit?" Look around at these so called "Non Profit" companies. Do you really think Ennio Falsoni, (Right) of Wako makes no money? Do you really think he "Gives back to the sport?" What has he EVER given back? Again, ask Mike Anderson. Ennio Falsoni, is a WEALTHY man. Wealthy from the money he gets from "HIS" non-profit organization that, make no mistake about it, "He is the DICTATOR of!" (Remember the previous story we wrote about how Falsoni lost his presidential election and decided to hold another "Invitation Only" election and what a surprise, he won this time...) Wako and Falsoni get a very large portion of their money from country government. Yes, he is "Suppose" to share it, but does he? Again, ask Mike. Back to the Olympic discussion... Look what the Olympics has done to corrupt Boxing... Even more. Do sports really NEED to be an Olympic sport to be successful? If so, why don't we see either of the two most popular spectator sports at all in the Olympics, American Football and NASCAR? It doesn't seem like not being an Olympic sport has hurt them, so WHY should not being an Olympic sport hurt Kickboxing? Simple answer, it shouldn't! To make it sound like Wako won some incredibly competitive award, Copeland claimed that 203 different international kickboxing organizations applied for recognition. Really? 203? It would be interesting to know who just 100 of these are, let alone 203 "International" Kickboxing organizations... Really Ronnie, a little exaggerated don't you think.... Last we were told by the associates of GAISF it was more like 20, if that, but who's counting... A reminder to everyone that the IKF was NOT one of the 20 or the 203, nor did the IKF even apply. EVER. Along with Wako's appointment, IFMA (International Federation of Muay Thai Amateur) was also accepted for the style of Muay Thai, but we don't read any of the type of CRAP Wako and their associates have been writing. What Copeland and company fail to point out is that "Yes, WAKO is the official world governing body for the sports of kickboxing without low kicks and kickboxing with low kicks allowed"... but they forget to add the factual tag line, AS APPROVED BY GAISF. The point we are pointing out here is "What does this mean?" Again, as stated before, in the grand picture of things, NOTHING. For example, it's funny that Kick and Wako can "Claim" to be THE official worldwide sanctioning body for kickboxing. However, the "World" must not include the USA. You see, truth be told, NOT ONE USA State where the State Athletic Commission must directly approve a sanctioning body accepts Wako as an approved sanctioning body for kickboxing and only ONE accepts kick. Gee, too bad that big GAISF title doesn't mean a thing here in the USA... For Anything! Copeland goes on to ask his readers, "What is the largest kickboxing organization in the world?" and he of course answers, "The WAKO, with National Governing Bodies (NGB) in 70 countries is, by far, the largest kick- boxing organization in the world." Lets take a closer look at that too. Of those 70 countries, the vast majority are part of Wako for their "Semi Contact and Musical Forms" sanctioning. "NOT KICKBOXING!" In addition, having 70 European countries is indeed impressive. However not having true recognition in ONE USA State speaks even greater volumes since many USA States are the size of or larger than many of those claimed 70 European countries. Taking this one step further, if Wako were so big, why do they sanction less than 100 "Kickboxing" events worldwide per year? Oh but don't take our word for it, count those events yourself on their events page, but be aware, the majority of their listings are for Semi Contact and Musical Forms... NOT Kickboxing! Copeland goes on to ask, "Which organization in the USA is the WAKO National Governing Body (NGB) for kickboxing?" Well, before we give you his answer, you need to know this. NONE of the leading sanctioning bodies wanted to partner with Wako for the many obvious reasons. Wako asked us all to partner with them. This was done as early as 2001. In Ennio Falsoni own e-mail he sent to the IKF on
Tuesday, January 16, 2001 he wrote; Thanks but No Thanks... You just got to love that Anderson line of "private companies controlled by one person"... Copeland and Anderson SHOULD be comedians. Hey guys, to refresh your memory, WAKO DID ASK ALL, the other Sanctioning bodies to partner with them and ALL of the LEGIT Sanctioning bodies told you "We don't want to be associated with such a corrupt organization so go find someone who will..." And Kick, just like why they sanctioned the illegal TUFFMAN events for $$, said, "Well sure, we're not doing anything else, so... OK..." Copeland and Anderson next go on to "Discredit" any and every REAL Kickboxing Champions around the world. They feel ANYONE who does not hold a Wako title is not a Legit Champion. Gee, that would even mean Ronnie Copeland's two so called Kick World Titles. The requirement for an IKF World Title (Fighting the number 1 contender) was too harsh for Copeland, so, like Tuffman, he went with Kick... And now his counterpart Anderson is even blasting him... So these two next ask in their e-mail, "What must a kickboxer do to become a real WAKO World Champion?" As if so many want to be, it's good they explain to us what we all have to do now. According to Copeland and Anderson, "First, a kickboxer must beat everyone in his/her country in his/her weight class." Hmmm... One would think that a Ranking System should come in to play here too, but wait, Wako does not have rankings, so throw that idea out the door. And it appears, according to them that there are only 143 American Kickboxers between the ages of 8 and 45.... Gee, we thought there were a lot more than that... They go on to inform us all, "Then, he/she must beat everyone in the world in that weight class at the WAKO World Championships. This is the only way to become a real world kickboxing champion that will be listed in almanacs and official record books forever." Forever? WOW! That's incredible, we never knew such a thing. So while we are on the subject, we would LOVE to see these so called almanacs and official record books! Do these incredible things REALLY exist? How come NO ONE claims to have seen one...Just ONE? One would think, with all those Millions of dollars this big, Non Profit, Largest in the World Organization is getting every year that they could at least be able to afford to hire some web guy to post their Champions on their web site. That must be a job for those Wealthy, independently owned sanctioning bodies... Like the IKF, which seems to have no problem listing ALL their Champions in their Rankings pages found HERE or listing ALL their past tournament Champions which can still be found HERE. Would these things be called almanacs and official record books? They go on to ask, "How do I qualify for the WAKO World Championships?" Something very interesting that everyone here should know. they answer, "You must win the National Championship in your weight class in your country's official WAKO National Kickboxing Championships. Then, you qualify to compete in the WAKO WC. (Note: The WAKO World Championships is held every two(2) years.) " Well, that seems impressive in theory, but lets take a closer look. Last year, the winners of the Virginia Wako Tournament were told straight out, "You now qualify for team USA to go to the Wako championships next year." However, because Copeland and Anderson had a falling out with the TRUE Promoters, Craig Smith and Clark Walters, they have now decided to erase the fact that these "OTHER" Wako Champions even exist. in a sense, they have simply said, "Whoops, that was a mistake, lets do this over ... Again." And some here wonder why NO ONE from the East Coast who attended the last years Wako Tournament are going to it this year? Doesn't take a brain surgeon to come to the conclusion that something was corrupt there. Really now... How does a title an Amateur kickboxer fought his or her heart out to win, suddenly Not count...? Copeland and Anderson make a point in their e-mail to express to everyone, "Important: For your information, the WAKO World Championships are not held in a small hotel or a high school gym, as most Americans are accustomed to." What??? Where did you just go with that line guys? Did you just insult EVERY American kickboxer and Promoter? Are you saying American kickboxers are use to "Trashy and Cheap Venues?" We know your not pointing the finger at any of the past IKF Championship Tournaments. As for the big Wako World tournament, we would only HOPE and PRAY that some of those millions of dollars Wako gets are put to a decent venue. It's clear the money is not put into awards for the fighters. ( A medal is what you win at the Wako Worlds... Yes, a Medal). One of the IKF guys was at the Wako world tournament some time ago and enjoying the coaches dinner offered to a "select" few coaches that Wako wanted to wine and dine so that they would eventually come on board with them. During the dinner, Mike Anderson came up to this individual and said, "You won't find this at an IKF Tournament will you?" in which this person replied, "Ya, but at least at the IKF tournament we had chairs to sit on..." Copeland goes on and on about how great the Wako world Tournament was, talking about the 2003 Wako worlds as having the President of Serbia there, and that the medals were put around the winners' necks by the Prime Minister of Serbia. That this event was held in the National Stadium, and how it was packed every day of the event. If any of you have ever travelled to Serbia you would know, "This event was indeed the BIGGEST thing in town." With no competition from other activities like there is here in the USA, it's not hard to get a crowd, especially with low cost and comp/free tickets. Copeland went on to say the event lasted 6 days, had 4 rings, 19 TV cameras, live national TV every day from 9AM until 7:30 PM. Hmmmmm. Now if you were saying all of this was happening here in North America, we would be impressed... But it wasn't... This was in Serbia and promoted by the country of Serbia with once again, MILLIONS of dollars to spend... Basically a bottomless bank account... and they gave out... Medals. What Copeland, Anderson, Wako & Kick won't bother to tell you is that the Amateurs from America will be going to the Wako World Tournament and fighting PROS! Yes, Wako allows both Pros and Amateurs to compete in their world Tournament. Wako does not have the same belief as we do here in America as to what makes a fighter a PRO. To them, one needs to "Make a living out of fighting, not just be paid for it" to be considered by them a PRO. Kick feels the same way, and tried to allow Pros to fight at their Las Vegas Tournament... Until the Nevada State Boxing Commission found out. Today Kick STILL allows Pro MMA Fighters to compete in Kick sanctioned Kickboxing and MMA events around the USA against Amateur Fighters in what they call, AMATEUR bouts. Things are different here in North America, here in the USA. The corruption Wako gets away with FREELY in Europe, would NEVER happen here in the USA. Or we would hope it wouldn't. Apparently, some of this corruption took place at the last Wako Tournament with how Copeland matched up late entree fighters out of weightclass and to his liking and some other things. Hopefully, it won't happen again, but as they say, "Once it's done once, who's to say it won't happen again..." And finally, Copeland used a name of a fighter that not only became a "Multi Time" Champion under the IKF, but a pretty famous one at that. All of his hype came with no big TV deals but instead, the many articles done about this great fighter right here on the IKF News page. The IKF provided the platform for a fighter by the name of Steven "Wonderboy" Thompson to be a strongly recognized name in the sport of kickboxing. Copeland and Anderson would like everyone to believe Thompson was nothing until he won the Wako World title. What a sad accusation by such troubled individuals. In closing, here is the simple fact all here need to know. WHERE you win a Title is not the issue. The issue here is that you have vast opportunities to become a Kickboxing Champion around the World. It is truly a fighters market today. When the IKF did the FIRST Amateur Kickboxing Tournament in the USA back in 1999 with the partnership of IKF Fight Promoter Mick Doyle and the company Ringside, there were no other tournaments, no other opportunities for the amateur fighters to compete in to win ANY title unless they were matched up on a regular event. These Tournaments today are open to Anyone and Everyone to join! Sure, we would love to say we have the BEST Tournament, but some may think differently. So with that being said, the final vote is yours. You now have choices. Choose where you want to go and fight, fight hard, and win your title. No matter what letters are on it, NO ONE can EVER take it away from you! The IKF
hopes to see you all in Orlando, and for the record, Drop the Gauntlet! We look forward to ANY Challenge...Good Luck Everyone! |
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I just quickly skimmed this article as I don't have time to read it all right now, but I'd like to address 2 things very quickly, and I may or may not have more to say later. (Probably dependent upon being banned from this board) 1. No adults who competed at the WAKO US Championships in VA Beach last year (they were not billed as the WAKO world championships as stated in the IKF article) were promised a spot competing in the WAKO World Championships. It was very clearly stated on the website that they would earn a chance to qualify for the team. The WAKO US Championships was used as a qualifier for the Junior WAKO World Championships. 2. Do you really expect anyone who knows Ronnie Copeland and Stephen Thompson to believe that Ronnie would ever try to minimize Stephen's accomplishments before he won WAKO? However, it probably is true that Stephen is much more well known in EUROPE after the 2005 WAKO World Championships than beforehand. I stood ringside for his fights in Szeged, Hungary and answered MANY questions from people from all over the world. "Who is this kid?" "What's he like?" "What's his record?" "Is he a religious man?" (That last question made me giggle, but it was an actual question posed to me by a dude from Morocco) He obviously wasn't well known in the European community. Does that mean he sucked before WAKO and all his fights meant nothing? NO. The fact that you're intimating that in your article makes you look like an idiot. While the principle idea of the article may have merit, whoever
wrote the article completely destroys any sense of merit with their inaccurate
claims and childish "He said, she said" comments.
Your entire story is filled with inaccuracies and outright lies about me personally as well as the sport of kickboxing. I will only bring light to a couple of the things that pertain to the sport since it is not about you and I but the betterment of the sport of kickboxing. On your propoganda page you wrote: ------------------------- A contradiction there Steve. The IKF never tried to be recognized because it far from the Olympics. A couple of paragraphs later you say the GAISF has no interest in kickboxing. Why? Because they believe Kickboxing will never be an Olympic sport. HMM. Why would GAISF care if kickboxing could not be an Olympic sport if they are not associated at all? You logic is flawed and it shows the utter bullshit you are peddling to the public. If you go to the GAISF website at and look on the banner you will see the olympic rings. I guess the IOC lets any yahoo put there rings on a site. I am not saying that kickboxing is an Olympic sport. It is a lot closer than it has ever been before. Of course when jealous individuals like yourself Steve try to sabotage the GAISF recognition just because it doesn't have the letters IKF on it is very self serving and not for the good of the sport. Readers don't take my word for it look for yourself in the emails between Steve Fossum and the GAISF after WAKO gained its recognition. The email is nothing but an attempt to get WAKO dropped from the GAISF. If it isn't that important then why do you give a shit Steve? -------------------------------- --------------------------------- GAISF response to Fossum
---------------------------------- Fossum's reply again self serving --------------------------------- While I was typing this up I was forwarded an email from Fasoni. In the email it tells of the WAKO being accepted in yet another place. "For your information, WAKO ASIA (the continental WAKO there) was officially recognised by OLYMPIC COUNCIL OF ASIA (OCA) during last Board meeting they had in KAZAHKSTAN on last May 28th." Go to this link to read more: You will see WAKO kickboxing listed as a demonstration sport in the next Asian Indoor Games. Game over Steve.
After listening to both sides, I am sure the truth is in the middle somewhere. I want Kickboxing to grow, I dont want any particular promoter or sanctioning body to dictate the outcome by not allowing fair and balanced. Here is a article from Ronnie Copeland, based on my info, these statements are facts. Also I am attaching the letter from GAISF which states that Kickboxing will be a part of the Asian Olympic Games as a trial on their upcoming games. The Asian Games are like the Pan-American games and if thsi goes well, I believe it is a step in the right direction for Kickboxing to make it to the Olympics. If WAKO can get this doen, this is good for everybody, whether the IKF President likes it or not. I would hope he would want to be on board with this. The IKF could possibly be a player one day in the Olympics, even though WAKO already has its foot in the door. I dont care who gets us there, this would help my business, and many others. Go to the website below and scroll to #8 and you will read about the Olympics. Then read below Ronnie Copeland's email to Kickboxers.
Lisa (Message board Admin) or whoever you are, your explanation of why YOU felt you should remove the responses to the news page write up about the WAKO / IKF disagreement makes you look like the message board NAZI. Banning people like Jenna, Craig and others because YOU feel they shouldn't be allowed to comment or state their opinion about a news article does nothing to further the sport. Spirited debate helps improve things for all of us. Apparently, if YOU don't agree with someone's opinion on the board, YOU will remove it and ban them from it. How is that an improvement to the stuff Brett was doing? This has a negative affect on people's opinion of the IKF. Many of the people that post on this board have very valid points and are quite knowledgable about the sport and promoting it. Perhaps you should listen to what they have to say and take the criticism and make things better instead of just shutting them down. I am sure this thread will get deleted and I'll probably be the next one banned, but enough is enough already. This is all just getting to be a big joke and many prominent coaches, trainers, fighters and fans are groing weary of these antics. Stop with the conspiracy paranoia. We aren't all on the grassy knoll trying to hurt the IKF. I guess the IKF message board is now only for the purpose of spouting positive propaganda for the IKF. Anyone with constructive criticism, disagreement or complaints is not allowed. There will be no spirited debate on the IKF message board, "Lisa" will remove it and ban you. MONDAY, JUNE 4th, 2007 IKF RESPONDS 6-13-07: IKF's RESPONSE TO ALL OF THE ABOVE IKF replies will be in BLUE to separate them from other statements made by Ronnie Copeland. It's funny how people like Ronnie Copeland can start spreading his e-mails with all these false accusations and then come back with a response as if we here at the IKF have been idiots in answering to his accusations. This is just once again, a game he and Mike Anderson and their other followers love to play. Ronnie said that our entire story is filled with inaccuracies and outright lies about him personally as well as the sport of kickboxing. However, he somehow has no time to point out what we lied about. The simple truth here is he can't point them out because he can't find any lies. His excuse is that "It's not about Ronnie Copeland and Steve Fossum, it's about the sport." What a Gallant answer. If he really felt this way, he wouldn't be sending out all this BS in the first place. Instead, he has exaggerated those items that have a shred of truth to them and made as many false accusations as he can, along with making up what he wants us all to believe as facts to this whole wako and kick ordeal. We also find it funny how Ronnie calls our news page a "Propoganda page". (the correct spelling though is "Propaganda', but who's looking) We find it funny because unlike an e-mail, our page is read by those who want to read it. Copeland's e-mails are sent directly to individuals to force feed his "Propoganda" down everyone's throats, many who could really care less what he has to say. Copeland pointed out something that the
IKF wrote in one of our articles: Copeland responded with: ??? What? We have read his reply over and over again and still, we are confused as to what he is trying to say. However, we will try to reply to what we believe he is trying to say. Mike Anderson was the one who informed us here that GAISF was not interested in Kickboxing as part of their organization. If you don't believe us Ronnie, just ask Mike. Anderson said that there was a lot of "Favors" as he put it by those in Wako to get GAISF Officials to accept them into their organization. Anderson went on to explain why GAISF has never accepted a kickboxing organization as a sport, the behind the scenes maneuvering that Wako and IASKA did to oust WKA from the position when WKA was in the running with them and some of the many "Favors" and even "Gifts" that were given to "Sway" the decision makers of GAISF into their appointment of Wako. Simply put, the corruption of all this as explained to us just added more crap to the many other corrupt workings of Wako that Anderson has shared with us over the years. Copeland went on to say To begin with, we KNOW GAISF is associated with the Olympics. However, we also know that just because a sport has been accepted by GAISF, does not mean "Automatic Olympic bid" as Copeland, Anderson, Babcock and Welch have all been trying to get everyone to believe (See the bottom article on this page entitled "Correcting A Statement About Kickboxing In The USA") Copeland went on to say: We "Give a shit" as Copeland
says because we are EXHAUSTED from defending the status of the IKF, or any other
sanctioning body for that matter from Copeland, Mike Anderson and the Kick boys,
Frank Babcock and Ted Welch, from telling everyone FALSE and MISLEADING
Statements such as: When you say such statements, it's easy to believe "This must ne true!" However, it's not, in fact, it's Grossly Misleading! If you read Mr. Fossum's e-mails to GAISF below, you will see there is no attempt to discredit Wako. Instead, if you read it you will read that; 1: Mr. Fossum's FIRST concern was to "Confirm or Deny" what the IKF and everyone else were being told. 2: When questioned, he simply stated the truth of what Wako associates here in the USA were making in regards to Wako and the Olympics. Copeland continued to cut and paste e-mails he was forwarded: -------------------------------- --------------------------------- As you can see from this first e-mail, all Mr. Fossum was trying to do was find out if any of the Wako statements, which were later used by the Kick organization here in USA too, were true or false. nothing more as Copeland wants his readers to believe. Let's continue with these e-mails Copeland points out. ------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- Copeland comes back with his comment of "Fossum's reply again self serving" (About the next e-mail below) about Mr. Fossum's response to GAISF. Which was simply pointing out what Wako, Mike Anderson and others were e-mailing out to as many people as they could in the Kickboxing world statements that said, and we will QUOTE: WAKO and IAKSA are now recognized as the official governing body of Olympic Kickboxing and that "ONLY" WAKO and IAKSA members will be allowed to participate in Olympic Kickboxing. Mr. Fossum's reply, after seeing
many e-mails with the above line in them, was: Mr. Copeland. WHERE is the above e-mail "Self
Serving"? It's not even close. At the time of the e-mail above, The IKF
here was not in control of IKF Europe, (IKF Europe was) yet Mr. Fossum was
speaking on their behalf. Mr. Fossum was concerned with what Wako's statements
had been causing already with not just IKF associates, but EVERY Sanctioning
body in Europe. At the time of this e-mail, it still didn't matter here in the
USA what Wako and GAISF did, as Mr. Fossum stated. Even today, it has no bearing
on what IKF does here in North America. In addition, IKF can STILL sanctioning
Kickboxing events in ANY European Country or ANY COUNTRY in the world for that
matter. They DO NOT NEED to go through Wako or any other Sanctioning
organization to do so, but Wako want's every promoter to believe this to be
true. For those of you wondering how Paul
Ingram felt about being "Stabbed in the Back', here is an e-mail he sent
out last year when he discovered what had been done to him: What Ingram didn't realize at the time was the POLITICS that was going on behind his back. Falsoni's idea to be kept in as President was not the first corrupt action he has done and it certanially won't be the last according to sources who have known him for years. Don't think Wako was appointed by GAISF because of their good standing either. Mike Anderson confirmed this CLEARLY! However what Anderson himself has no problem with as well as Wako is something every other organization does which is allowing Amateurs to fight Pros in an AMATEUR bout. Such an action is are FAR from accepted accountability to the IOC (International Olympic Committee). Ingram lost his agreement with IASKA long before he knew it. The Political monovering, corrupt deals and who knows what else exchanged hands between Wako and Iaska people when their deal went down. These favors and exchanges didn't end there. There were a lot of favors and exchanges done to get GAISF to accept Wako. Again, they were NOT accdepted because they are a great organization, "doing what is best for the sport." this is about money and if you think differently, you need to research it more. Keep in mind GAISF had declined Wako's bid only a year earlier: Subject: WAKO REJECTED BY GAISF Copeland went on to write: Go to this link to read more: You will see WAKO kickboxing listed as a
demonstration sport in the next Asian Indoor Games. So this means that the statements made
by the IKF were TRUE when they were made. Copeland just said, "While I was
typing this up I was forwarded an email from Fasoni." Which meant, JUST
THEN, NOT before the IKF article. Copeland continued: There is a strange issue here that Copeland seems to be, well, IS Missing. We here at the IKF are not upset that Wako has received GAISF recognition. We are not upset Kick and Iaska are aligned with them. NONE of this upsets us here at all, in fact, we would love to SUPPORT the issue and who knows, maybe some day we will be more supportive of their movement. So again, NO ONE HERE is UPSET with this GAISF issue. What we ARE UPSET with is the Exaggeration of it all and the false and misleading press releases that are making the entire kickboxing world question who they should sanction their events with. What we ARE Upset about is when people like Copeland, Anderson and any of the others involved here, make statements like this on: WAKO and IAKSA are now recognized as the official governing body of Olympic Kickboxing and that "ONLY" WAKO and IAKSA members will be allowed to participate in Olympic Kickboxing. It things like this, and THIS ALONE that upset us here. Again, NO ONE HERE is UPSET that GAISF has appointed Wako as "THEIR" accepted sanctioning body for kickboxing. However, understand that this is simply "GAISF's Appointment". Nothing more, nothing less. Copeland Continued: As you have read, NOTHING we have said or made claims to has been bent at all. It's clear who has bent things and the facts above prove this, as well as the facts of Mr. Fossum's e-mail disprove these additional false accusations by Copeland towards Mr. Fossum. Copeland Continued: That's because Copeland and his followers along with Anderson and his followers seem to do plenty of this on their own. The IKF didn't just START UP these rumors. Anderson and Copeland did. All the IKF has been doing is defending their BS each and every time they make their accusations. Copeland Continued: Well, we did Ronnie, and your facts are once again "Tainted" with what you THINK things were and not the truth as to what was really taking place as well as what IS STILL Taking place. Copeland Continued: Copeland's letter ends as it begins, with his desire to make everyone believe that he and his associates have the best interest of the sport of kickboxing in mind. As we said in our opening response, it's funny how people like Ronnie Copeland can start spreading his e-mails with all these false accusations and then come back with a response as if we here at the IKF have been idiots in answering to his accusations. This is just once again, a game he and Mike Anderson and their other followers love to play. Copeland wanted us all to focus on his excuse or reply where he says that "It's not about Ronnie Copeland and Steve Fossum, it's about the sport." Again... What a Gallant answer. If he really felt this way, he wouldn't be sending out all this BS in the first place. Instead, he has exaggerated those items that have a shred of truth to them and made as many false accusations as he can, along with making up what he wants us all to believe as facts to this whole wako and kick ordeal. In Closing, let us make this VERY CLEAR
to all readers for what we hope to be the final time. WAKO and IAKSA are now recognized as the official governing body of Olympic Kickboxing and that "ONLY" WAKO and IAKSA members will be allowed to participate in Olympic Kickboxing. -------------------------------------- MONDAY, June 11th, 2007, AT 9:50 PM, PT Correcting A Statement
Earlier today, Ronnie Copeland sent out an e-mail written by Mike Anderson that had several misleading issues in it. However, the one we need to address is this statement: The KICK organization was designated by the World Association of Kickboxing Organizations (WAKO) as the official sanctioning body for all the kickboxing sports in the United States. Now, before any of you keep calling or e-mailing us here at the IKF (Or any other Kickboxing Sanctioning body you do business with) thinking things such as, "So from what I was told today, all the other kickboxing sanctioning bodies in the World are worthless and the only choice we have is Kick and Wako." Let us add some truthful facts that Mike Anderson SHOULD have made clear in his e-mail, but instead, choose once again to Exaggerate the truth of the matter. A Truthful statement by Mike Anderson in Ronnie Copeland's
e-mail should have read: Kick's appointment is only by Wako which is no different than us appointing a certain Individual as the IKF Representative in a state or region. For example, if this representative would stated, "John Doe was designated by the International kickboxing Federation (IKF) as the official representative for all kickboxing sports in the State of Illinois." This would be an exaggeration of the truth, just like Anderson's statement was because if you read more directly, John Doe's appointment was only by the IKF, NOT some World Body. There could and are, MANY Representatives for kickboxing "OTHER" than those appointed by the IKF in the State of Illinois. In addition, there will ALWAYS be many Sanctioning bodies representing kickboxing here in North America as well as ALL OVER THE WORLD!
Why these individuals feel they need to exaggerate the truth is a question to many who have spoke to us today from MANY other Sanctioning bodies. In doing so, they misrepresent themselves in proving over and over again how unethical and misleading they are in their game-plan of ruling the kickboxing world. In the process whether we see it now or not, they continue to bring the many other kickboxing sanctioning bodies around them down into their bucket filled with misleading, unethical drama that is always surrounded with false hype and lack of leadership and responsibility. Shouldn't Your Accomplishments be Enough on their Own? Both Anderson and Copeland feel they have to "Exaggerate" the accomplishments of Wako (NOT Kick!) rather than simply stand on the accomplishment alone. IF this was such a great accomplishment, WHY do they feel they need to Exaggerate it? Why do they feel they need to find ways to hurt or discrediting any other organization you are not a part of or working with? When Mike and Ronnie say such BS lines as the one above, they mislead people and it's a LIE! Again, if it weren't for all their false accusations, their exaggerated lies as the one above and the same false expectations they promise everyone year after year with the line "This will be the largest tournament ever in North America", we may even support them. Once again, the "This will be the largest tournament ever in North America" Promise has fallen short and become false, for the 5th year in a row. First time being the 2003 kick tournament in Las Vegas where Mike Anderson, Frank Babcock and Ted Welch kept making this claim. However, until they all stop the BS, EVERYONE in kickboxing, no matter what organizations they (Mike & Ronnie) work with, will always be worlds apart and we will all remain as a lot of little fish in a very large pond, simply taking up different parts of the water. They always say that they want people to work together, and wako indeed has a following in Europe. However, it's clear that what wako says they want to accomplish and the way Ronnie and Mike try to accomplish things here in America, are worlds apart in agreement because Ronnie and Mike's actions are without a doubt, misleading, and unethical. The IKF is not the Evil Dictating Empire Anderson keeps claiming them to be. The IKF is simply a sanctioning body for the sport of kickboxing. They sanction kickboxing fights, just like ISKA, WKA, USKBA and other sanctioning bodies. However, we must say, the IKF issues with ANY OTHER SANCTIONING BODY are meaningless and trivial to the continued lies and BS we are constantly defending ourselves from when it comes to those associated with Kick and Wako. NOTE: An e-mail was sent to these individuals (Copeland, Anderson, Wako & Kick) at 11:50 AM today in hopes of some kind of correction reply. However, the only reply we got was from Ronnie Copeland which said: "I do not have time to examine each statement point by point so I am not going to read your email. So, I will not read this email. I did not wirte the press realease Mike Anderson did. I only distribluted it. So please take it up with him." This was the kind of response we expected which was why we posted the above details.
BLA, BLA, BLA..... Some time ago, Johnny Davis wrote an article entitled K-1 - If It Glitters Is it Gold? The article talked about how great a "Production" a recent K-1 event he had attended was, but also what it lacked in substance, in quality and as a true Fight event. Summing it up, the flashy hollywood lights and fireworks were along with the Pre-Fight Hype of the commercials and ads were more of a distraction to the reality of what was really in front of those watching. in essence, the hype was exciting, the lights and fireworks looked Great.... However, what happened in the ring, was missing something..... The difference between the K-1 Event in question and who many around the USA are now calling the "Babbling BS Triplets" is that at least K-1 Delivered! The Babbling BS Triplets was a name coined by a Kickboxing fan after he read an article written here on the IKF pages about another Amateur tournament that has been slinging mud at the IKF for years now. The Triplets consisted of two individuals who have a lot of hot air and two organizations now formed as one... The Babbling BS Triplets. moving on...The Babbling BS Triplets are angry at the world. At you, at others and especially the IKF. Angry because they are still seeking their first, if ever, successful event that they can take credit for after someone elses hard work and effort. If they fail "Again" this year as they have been doing year after year for about 5 years now with their unorganized and unrewarding USA tournaments, they will once again blame someone else. However, if, yes "IF" they succeed, they will be sure to take all the credit away from those who worked hard to win them their prize. It's a "Lose-Lose" situation for those hosting their event this year, and a position the hosts don't deserve to be in. Most of you have had the pleasure of reading some of the e-mails sent to you by one of the Babbling BS Triplets which "ONCE AGAIN" continues to make pre-event "CLAIMS' that their Tournament will be, as they have been claiming and failing to accomplish for years now, (And we will quote) "THE LARGEST KICKBOXING EVENT EVER HELD IN NORTH AMERICA!" Please now..... Hasn't that line been taken, and copied enough with false outcomes by the Babbleing BS Triplets? Enough of the continued claims about the false claims of the association to being an Olympic Kickboxing Organization, or that they are the ONLY recognized kickboxing organization in the World or that their organizations are non profit, as if this is suppose to prove them better. If this were true, WHY are they so far behind in promoting the sport? The wording "Non profit" is yet another part of their smoke and mirrors title that one of the Babbling BS Triplets has been getting play with for years now. Instead, ask one of the Babbling BS Triplets about how the President of their European organization, (an organization that they "Claim" is ran by the PEOPLE) LOST his public election for President, but kept the title...? OK, here is what happened... After the election, this so called "Man of the people, for the people" who was voted OUT of Office By the People, cried that the election, for whatever reason, wasn't fair. So he organized a special election, flew in a very few selected invited country leaders on the organizations dime, wined them, dined them and gave them elaborate gifts and then said, "Lets have another election." And guess who won.... They guy who LOST the election by being voted OUT by his so called, "People"... Oh, the story is true... In fact, one of the Babbling BS Triplets finds it humorous to tell the story himself to lots of people, and is quite proud of the corruption surrounding it... Recently these guys sent out an e-mail with the phrase, "Drop
the Gauntlet", which they explain as a challenge to all you amateur
kickboxers in the USA to accept a challenge to fight. The IKF encourages any and all amateur kickboxers to
attend this event! No really, they DO! This way you will be able to have an
honest comparison between this years This years 2007 IKF WORLD CLASSIC Amateur Kickboxing Championship Tournament will be held here in the USA. ANYONE can attend. Fighters from North America will not need to travel to Europe to win a "Medal". However, fighters from around the World will need to travel to the USA to be a part of this Great event and to win "THE BELT! ALL of the IKF Champions, as every year has been, will win the most prestigious title Belts offered of ALL the tournaments around the World. Other awards will include Glass Plaques, Champion Jackets, Autograph Gloves, Trophies, Full Colored Embossed Certificates oh, and even Medals... Not to mention the many "GIFT" awards from the sponsors such as hats, bennies, mouthguards, handwraps, and much, much more. In all, around $30,000 has been budgeted for just the awards and gifts for fighters and trainers at this years 2007 IKF WORLD CLASSIC Amateur Kickboxing Championship Tournament which will break the previous record of a little over $26,000.00. In addition, if all goes as planned, this year the IKF and the lead sponsor will sponsor a full sit down buffet awards banquet for all registered fighters and trainers on Friday night after weigh-ins just like the IKF's sister organization, the ISCF, did for their ISCF MMA World Classic last month. On the other hand, breaking records is still an exciting thought. Heck, the IKF tries to break their own records every year. As for those who are looking to break any of their tournament records, the IKF surly welcomes the challenge... Or in their words... "They would like to kindly Drop the Gauntlet to them..." Imagine if they or ANY other tournament were to break some of the tournament records The IKF has set over the last 8 years. Imagine how big the sport of Kickboxing would grow! This would be great competition for everyone to improve what they already offer. EVERY year the IKF steps it up to make the IKF Tournament better than the year before. The IKF truly hopes that other tournament hosts can do the same. One thing the Babbleing BS Triplets have in their favor is a great group promoting their event this year. If it's going to happen, this may be their year. The IKF welcomes the challenge and ask ALL Tournament hosts to "Bring It ON!" so that the sport of Kickboxing can grow as a whole. As for those numbers to meet and break, lets remember that ALL the IKF numbers are "VERIFIED" publicly each and every year with the trainers phone number so that you, the viewing public, can verify their registration. Last year the Babbling BS Triplets thought it was a good "marketing" idea to just paste some names into their registration pages to give the "Impression" they were going to break the records for most registered and most attended fighters... In the end, they fell way short and their "Claims" (As in EVERY year before) proved once again to be a salesmanship display of false marketing that was simply "Smoke and Mirrors along with Babbleing BS of what they WANTED compared to what truly WAS." 2007 may prove to be different for all the Amateur Kickboxing Tournaments. With the explosion of MMA, any of the past records are going to be hard to beat, but the IKF will surly give it a go. However, the reality of all this is something far greater as we direct you back to the title of this article. "When Is Bigger Not Always Better?" The answer now should be easy... "When the QUALITY of the event is far from EXCELLENT!" As Amateur Fghters, Trainers and Officials, you ALL DESERVE the BEST! You DESERVE EXCELLENCE! No matter how many attend this years 2007 IKF WORLD CLASSIC Amateur Kickboxing Championship Tournament one thing the IKF will promise all who do attend is that this year, as every year, there will never be any "False Babbling Claims" but instead, a "Commitment To Excellence so that those who do attend will walk away feeling like a TRUE Champion Fighter... Win or lose!" As for those Tournament Records? All of them can be found by clicking HERE. And for those who don't want to take the effort to click the HERE... Well here are the main records to break from the "Longest Running, Largest and most Rewarding Amateur Kickboxing Tournament in North America..." The IKF WORLD CLASSIC
Drop the Gauntlet!
What RUMORS You Hear! What's that line.....? "Can't we all just get
along?" These guys "Continue" to try to hurt the IKF World Classic Tournament (As well as the IKF overall) year after year, over and over again. It's like they have nothing better to do than to try and drum up false accusations and false claims to try and bring the World against the IKF. So, it's no surprise to us here that "Like last year" about this time, "Once Again," the same individuals are at the center of it all... No need to give them press by mentioning their names because their names are simply not worthy to be mentioned in this sport. Those who have been following all this know who they are. The Babbling BS Triplets are spreading more false rumors around to try and hurt the IKF World Classic Amateur Championship Tournament this August 10th, 11th and 12th in Orlando Florida, USA. As much as we have been ignoring the many of their false rumors
they've been spreading, the latest one we knew we had to put a screeching halt
to. This article had to be posted here and now because we are a little tired of
taking phone calls from trainers and fighters who are asking us if what the Babbling
BS Triplets have been telling them is true. It's no surprise to ANYONE
that of course, these rumors are, once AGAIN, FALSE.
Sorry to share you in the drama, but as you all know, bad news spreads faster than good news so we had to put this to rest. We look forward to seeing you all in Orlando, so Drop the Gauntlet or whatever you're holding and get ready to Bring It ON! this coming August in Orlando Florida! | ||
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